Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hot Days in Florida
I've begun working on my hobby more in earnest over the past week, (my '64 Corvair convertible). I'm "boiling out" the gas tank using a three-step process of degreasing, etching, and finally coating the interior to get rid of the gum and varnish left behind when a car sits for a long time without being run. The coating process will also help to prevent a similar occurrence in the future. The chemical products I'm using are made by a company called POR-15, Inc., and the sealant chemical carries the same name. Has anyone reading this used these products and with what results. I'd be curious to know.
Another part of the POR-15 product line is a rust-preventer paint. It's three-step process is similar to the gas-tank sealant process, but the third step is the paint rather than just a coating. They claim that when applied correctly, this process totally prevents moisture from ever reaching the metal again and thus prevents any further rusting. It also strengthens the metal itself, even stronger than when new. Again, I'd be curious to hear from anyone who's used it. I'll post my own experiences with it as I move along in the process.
Friday, June 13, 2008
GBS Today Welcomes You!

My name is Byron Comp and that's a picture of me almost eight years ago when I was beginning my recovery from Guillian-Barre' Syndrome. That illness literally became "My Worst Nightmare," and as my recovery allowed, I wrote a book about the experience. The book is dedicated to all the other victims and their families and friends who have been struck down by this horrible illness.
You can find copies of my book on Amazon.com or through my own website, http://www.gbsnightmare.com/. But the reason why I created this blog is to communicate with other survivors and their families and to offer support and encouragement to any victims who are going through their own nightmare right now!
Please contact me so we can share experiences and can thus encourage each other. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for taking time from your busy day to read and respond to my blog. Byron